Thursday, February 5, 2015


Being here i Ecuador has really changed my views of the world. I am enjoying every minute of the time i spend everyday. I am so thankful to be here and Speaking the language, meeting new friends, getting into cultural activities. I could not get a better Host mom or such a beautiful house to live in. I am enjoying all the Ecuadorian food. I am hoping to go on travels to the Galapagos, Banos (which is a hot springs) and the beach. I am learning so much Spanish here and meeting all the Ecuadorian people. This adventure just keeps on going and good things will happen. 

Carnaval is also coming up. I don't really know what to expect but i am super excited to be immersed in this culture. Cant wait for what will happen for Carnaval. Will be posting as many pictures as possible and life my life while i am here. 

I have been to so many places around Cuenca already. I have been to Paute, Galecio, El Parke Nacional de Los Cajas, Los Ruinas Incapirca. It is amazing to me to see the different aspects of Ecuador. It is stunning to me that when you are driving in the car for about 10 minutes you can see how the landscapes change immediately. It is a beautiful city here with many magical events and sight seeking. I could not have picked another place to study Abroad. This is an amazing and spectacular experience. I will always remember this.

The Ecuadorian people here are super super nice. I am meeting new friends who are from here and its great practice because i get to interact in Spanish while they try to practice their English. It is a amazing experience to meet new friends but you can have a great relationship with them while you are here as well as when i go back to the states. But not to think about that, one the other hand i cannot wait to see what will await me this weekend.

1 comment:

llanik said...

Glad to see that you are reviving your blog! And your dad and I are delighted that you are having such a spectacular experience!! xoxoxoxo Mama